It's been a little while since I last posted. I messed up my arm at work and have been just chilling and recovering for the most part. Though I did find some time recently to spice up my homepage. It's pretty sweet.

I have also done some work on Sage, and I believe the next beta version is almost complete. I rewrote the music system, though the fix that I came up with is temporary. Basically the sound library I'm now using doesn't seem to have a built-in way of changing the playback volume, so everything is played at max. I'll eventually fix this, but it works for now.
The last thing I need to do in order for Sage 0.8 to be feature-complete is to add a quest log, which I am in the process of doing now. After that I just need to playtest a little to see if there are any game-breaking bugs I'm not aware of, and then it'll be time for release. I may put out a few small content-focused updates for Sage after this, but I'll most likely be putting Sage on the backburner soon so I can finish Kepler.
That's all for now. Thanks again for reading! I shall return when Sage is ready.