Well, Sage isn't ready. I've made the executive decision to focus all my efforts on Kepler. That hasn't gone as smoothly as I'd hoped, due to some real life stuff, but it's whatever. Honestly it wouldn't be that much work to release Sage 0.8, but I need to keep my head in one project at a time, and Kepler needs to get done.

I've had my head in this world and this story for so long, and I feel like it's finally getting to a point where I can start showing things off to the public, and possibly get some more developers on board. I've been working on the final script for the cutscenes of the game, and it's been going alright, but there are two cutscenes I know will be hell to write. One of those scenes is the first cutscene of the game. I didn't want to have to resort to a monologue to get the player up to speed, but it might be a necessary evil. I just have to determine the minimum amount of information the player needs at the start, and then sprinkle in all the other necessaryt details as things progress. But balancing that, the depiction of the characters, AND the constant changing in scenery between levels has been a real challenge. It would all be easier if I was okay with just phoning it in, but I have an obsession with quality. Though I know the end result of Kepler won't be perfect by a long shot, I can't stop every fiber of my being from striving for that perfection, or at least as close as I can get.
And thus ends the ramblings of this madman, for now at least. I plan to post again once the script is done and I can comfortably return to working on other parts of the game. Hopefully that will be soon. Until then, back to the grindstone!