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games i'm working on

Kepler: Darkest Hour Various environments from Kepler: Darkest Hour A couple screenshots from Kepler: Darkest Hour

Kepler: Darkest Hour is a singleplayer first person shooter built using the Quake 2 engine. It is a shooter that harkens back to the late 90s and early 2000s era of shooters, when games were getting bigger and more ambitious, and a larger focus was placed on the story.

The game takes place in the far future, after humans left Earth in search of a new home among the stars. The Greek Space Federation and the New Roman Empire have colonized the planet Kepler. Border disputes put the two nations in a state of constant unrest. Eventually a secret is uncovered that puts the whole planet, and Humanity itself, at risk.

Kepler is still deep in development, and I have no idea when it will be released. It is currently my main focus.

Sage A collage screenshots from Sage A screenshot of Sage's interface

Sage is an open-world roguelike, although it's closer to a procedurally generated CRPG. It is written in Python and uses the tcod library for rendering. It has a (technically) infinite world that is randomly generated every time you start a new character. It includes random caves and dungeons, towns with shops and NPCs that give random quests, dangerous castles and town ruins, and enchanted forests with strange magical creatures.

Sage is in a weird place development-wise. You can find an early version on which is labeled a beta, but it's more like an alpha version of the game. I have the next release almost ready, which I'm confident calling a beta, but the music system exploded on me randomly and now must be rewritten. I'll get to it eventually.

ARROW A couple screenshots from ARROW A couple screenshots from ARROW

ARROW is a survival horror game built on the GZDoom engine. It is mainly inspired by Resident Evil 1 and Marathon. Essentialy it's got level design and puzzles inspired by Resident Evil's Spencer Mansion, but presented in the style of Marathon, a sci-fi FPS that takes place on a spaceship with its story told through computer terminals.

The game is probably about 2/3rds of the way finished, but it's on the backburner for now. I have no idea when it will be released.

other stuff

I have a few other random little unfinished projects here and there, but I probably won't post them here unless something gets close to being ready for release. I may post little blurbs about other projects on my blog, so make sure to check there if you're interested in my work!

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